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Slams von den 4. Asian Meisterschaften auf den Malediven !

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Slams von den 4. Asian Meisterschaften auf den Malediven ! Empty Slams von den 4. Asian Meisterschaften auf den Malediven !

Beitrag von Pit Fr 24 Jun 2011 - 17:54

Hallo an alle Forums member
Hier der link zu den Slams von den 4. Asian Meisterschaften ausgetragen auf den Malediven !

Dies ist ein neuer Kanal ( carromtv1 ) genauso wie carromtv2 !
Bitte sendet diese links zu all euren Freunden u. vergesst nicht die Videos zu bewerten.

Kleine Info: Nishanta Fernando u. Chamil Cooray sind die beiden Top Spieler aus Sri Lanka. Habe mit diesen beiden schon im Trainings Lager auf Sri Lanka trainiert. Die beiden gehören zu den wenigen Spielern die in der Lage sind die Indischen Top Spieler zu schlagen. Gegen viele der anderen Spieler bin ich auch schon auf internationalen Tunieren (zb. WM) angetreten. Wenn also jemand Fragen hat ich helfe gerne weiter.
Mit sportlichen Gruß

Hier noch der orginal Text von:

Billy Stevens
Marketing Director, 15th SAARC and 4th Asian Carom Championships
Chairman, ICF Marketing Commission
Producer, SAARC, Asian, and World Cup Video Projects

Greeting, all,

I am happy to inform you that edited slam videos from the SAARC Carrom Championship in Male are now posted at youtube. Simply go to our new youtube channel, carromtv1 (, and all 13 videos will come up. I will start working on the 18 slams from the Asain Carrom Championship next and hope to have them ready by the end of the week.

Longer videos of games and matches will be posted at our new channel at, carromtv2 ( Right now, only the World Cup videos are posted but complete coverage of all the best matches willl find a home at vimeo. These videos will also be available for download and embedding, for easier viewing and sharing on slower internet connections. Feel free to subscribe to both channels so you will be notified automatically as additions are made. And, don’t forget to mark your “likes” of the videos, as that helps up the hit score.

Now that the videos are available, it is up to all of you to maximize their exposure by sending the links to everyone in your contact list. Only if these videos “go viral” on the internet, proving to the world that carrom is worthy of thousands of hits, will we realize the full PR potential of this initiative. Please post these links on all your social networking sites, federation and other carrom websites, homepages, twitter accounts, etc. so we get the maximum exposure from all this fabulous play.

Thanks for your help in maikng the most of these historic videos. I’m looking forwrard to watching the hit scores increase as we all do our part to spread the word.

Billy Stevens

Marketing Director, 15th SAARC and 4th Asian Carom Championships

Chairman, ICF Marketing Commission

Producer, SAARC, Asian, and World Cup Video Projects


Anzahl der Beiträge : 365
Coins : 22
Anmeldedatum : 20.11.10
Alter : 60
Ort : Takatuka Land

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