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[2023] Turniere der UK Carrom Federation

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[2023] Turniere der UK Carrom Federation Empty [2023] Turniere der UK Carrom Federation

Beitrag von Stardust Fr 3 Feb 2023 - 22:36

Hallo zusammen,

hier sind die Turnierdaten des englischen Carrom Verbandes für die aktuelle Saison:

1st ranking - 13th Nov 2022
2nd ranking - 22nd January 2023
3rd ranking - 19th February
4th ranking - 19th March
5th ranking - 30th April
6th ranking - 21st May

Für weitere Infos bitte auf der Facebookseite des Verbandes registrieren:


Anzahl der Beiträge : 171
Coins : 3
Anmeldedatum : 27.10.22
Ort : Berlin

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[2023] Turniere der UK Carrom Federation Empty Re: [2023] Turniere der UK Carrom Federation

Beitrag von Stardust Di 7 Feb 2023 - 10:05

Zur Info:

Please note that the 3rd ranking tournament for this year will be held on Sunday, 19th February 2023. The venue for the tournament remains the same as before:

Ossulston Tenant’s Association Hall
2 Ossulston Street
London NW1 1DF

The start time will be 1:30 pm. All players wishing to participate are urged to send in their entries latest by 13th Fabruary 2023, along with entry fees. To confirm your entries, please send an email to and pay the entry fee of £20 only, unless you’ve already paid for all of them this year. If you have not taken membership, as you did not participate in any of the previous tournaments this year, then please fill the membership form as well as pay the annual membership fee of £25 only.

Please ensure that you always use only your full name as reference for payment. No additional description is needed.

Details of bank account for payment as follows:
Account Name: UK Carrom Federation Ltd
Sort Code: 09-01-28
Account No: 39193587

For those of you joining us for the first time, you will be delighted to note that your entry fee includes one meal on the day.

Thanks & Regards,
Amar Sanakal
On behalf of UKCF

Anzahl der Beiträge : 171
Coins : 3
Anmeldedatum : 27.10.22
Ort : Berlin

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